August 14, 2024: Damage Display Added

Damage indicator

There have been many complaints that it's unclear when players hit zombies and when they miss. Players suggested adding a health indicator for the zombies. However, there used to be one (check out old screenshots of TrappedTogether), but it had to be removed because the red health bar was more noticeable than the zombie itself—it really stood out and made it too easy to spot the zombies.

I came up with a better solution—displaying the damage values. The zombie’s health remains hidden, which creates some suspense: you never know when the zombie will die (maybe it’s time to run, just in case!).

This change will only be in the next version of the game.

Zombie damage and player damage numbers

New major game update is coming

A reminder that a major update is coming: in the next version of the game, a lot will change, including the addition of a game objective and levels.

A few words about the current progress.

Everything is almost ready, and we’re eagerly awaiting the release of the new version.

Only a few details remain:

  • Saving the current state (at least the level and the number of zombies killed).
  • Adjusting the balance. Currently, eating berries, chocolate, and canned food gives too little HP. While the player has a lot of health, the zombies are too strong: if you’re really unlucky, the first zombie might kill you (remember, the damage is a random value).
  • Creating new levels. I’m thinking of limiting it to 4-5 levels for now, but making them smaller and of higher quality. Keep in mind that the level generation program has significantly improved recently. However, some manual work is still needed: often, for example, the entire level ends up filled with identical houses, and it takes several regenerations to make the level more varied.
  • I still haven’t figured out how to mark the transition to the next level. As a temporary solution, I’m using glowing pink cubes at the edge of the map. When the player reaches them, he moves to the next level. I was thinking of replacing these pink cubes with something else... but I can’t come up with what to replace them with! Any ideas?

That’s it! There aren’t many tasks left, and they’re not too big. I don’t want to give any final deadlines, but the release is coming soon!

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