November 3, 2022. I started making a house 2D editor. I already mentioned that full-fledged 3D drawing in Blender is murder. To have the game finished within the foreseeable future I decided to implement a simple 2D house editor and use ready-made 3D objects (maybe to draw it by myself, but it will be just a single simple object, not an entire unique house).

For such a simple standalone task Python is the best language. It took me three evenings to create the first version of the editor. Another three evenings it took me to load generated house in Unity (game 3D engine).

The first version of the TrappedTogether house editor (right) and house object loaded in Unity looked like this:

TrappedTogether game house editor

Maybe it looks a bit ugly, but it was just first step.

I made it open-source and published the source code on gitHub:

Maybe someone will find it useful for his indie game.

It was November 9th when the first tangible result of my work appeared.



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